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The Top 14 Books About Making Money You MUST read in 2024

books about making money

Whether you’re on the journey to financial freedom or you simply want to make extra money to ease the financial pressure that life throws at you, reading books about making money can certainly help you boost your income. Reading books can be a highly effective way of gaining the knowledge you need to master your […]

How To Make 30k a Month (7 Genuine Methods For 2024)

How to make 30k a month

Ever dreamt of making 30k a month? I know I have! All of your money problems would simply disappear making that kind of money! Well lucky for you I’m going to show you how to make 30k a month.  Grab yourself a cuppa and let’s deep dive into the methods behind what it takes to […]

8 Great Low-Stress Jobs After Retirement in 2024

Low-stress jobs after retirement

So you’ve just retired, hooray! But something isn’t quite right. Maybe you want a low-stress job after retirement because of one of the following reasons… It’s understandable. Not everyone completely retires when they reach retirement age. Whatever your reason, I’ve got you covered. Below is a comprehensive list of low-stress jobs after retirement with something […]

How To Make £2000 A Week (11 Tried And Tested Ways)

How to make £2000 a week

So, you want to know how to make £2000 a week?  I completely understand, £2000 would be an ideal amount to make every week.  You might want to pay off debt, pay down your mortgage or reach financial freedom quickly. Whilst this may seem far-fetched, people are making £2000 and more weekly. I’ve listed 12 […]

How To Make £200 A Week On The Side (12 Realistic Ways)

A variety of English bank notes

OK, so you want to know how to make £200 a week on the side.  I completely understand. Having this extra money can help make life just that little bit easier. Below I’ve listed 14 genuine ideas that anyone can start today.   Flipping This is a personal favourite of mine. You can easily make £200 […]

The Best Money Gift Ideas – 40+ Thoughtful Ways To Gift Cash

Tissue box with money inside

Are you looking for the best money gift ideas or a creative way to give cash? I know what you’re thinking… you want to give someone cash as a gift, but you don’t want it to come across that you’ve not put any thought into your gift idea. Don’t worry, we’ve all been there! Down […]