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How To Make £200 A Week On The Side (12 Realistic Ways)

A variety of English bank notes

OK, so you want to know how to make £200 a week on the side. 

I completely understand. Having this extra money can help make life just that little bit easier.

Below I’ve listed 14 genuine ideas that anyone can start today.  


This is a personal favourite of mine. You can easily make £200 a week on the side by flipping items.

Flipping is when you buy an undervalued item and sell it for a profit.

The best places to find items that you can flip is through online marketplaces such as Facebook, Gumtree and eBay. 

For the U.S. try Craigslist, Garage sales and online marketplaces.

Here are some popular items to look for:

  • Smartphones and tablets 
  • TV’s
  • Exercise equipment 
  • Household appliances 
  • Power tools 

Always offer less than the price that is listed. The profit is made in the purchase. 

When listing your item make sure you take multiple photos with good lighting. 

Also in your description be as detailed as possible so anyone interested does not need to ask any questions. 

Sell unwanted items

How to make £200 a week on the side

I believe we all have £200 worth of items in our homes that we don’t use anymore. 

Simply list these items on online marketplaces and I’m pretty sure you’ll have £200 in your back pocket before you know it.

Here is a list of popular items that you might want to sell:

  • Clothing 
  • Trainers
  • Kitchen Appliances 
  • Old Smartphones
  • Exercise equipment 

To get the maximum amount of money check how much other people are selling the same items for.

Give your items a good clean and take multiple pictures with good lighting. 

You’ll be surprised at how much of a difference this can make to the interest shown in your items. 

How Can I Make An Extra £200 A Week

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    How about doing some freelance work on the side?

    Sites such as UpWork and Fiverr are freelance marketplaces where you can offer your services.

    Here are some popular services these platforms offer:

    • Logo design
    • Content writing 
    • Copywriting 
    • Social media management 
    • Proofreading 

    Depending on what you offer you could easily make an extra £200 a week.

    Deliver food

    How to make £200 a week on the side

    Companies such as Deliveroo and Uber Eats are always looking for recruits to get fast food to our doors.

    This is a flexible way to make £200 a week on the side that you can do in the evenings or around your day job.

    If you don’t fancy working for Deliveroo or Uber Eats, then why not consider going directly to your local takeaway to deliver?

    If you do go for this method please be aware you should check to see if your vehicle insurance allows you to do such work.

    How Can I Make Extra Money On The Side UK

    Rent out your parking space 

    If you live in an area where parking is hard to come by then your parking space could earn you a nice side income. 

    Websites such as and allow you to list your parking space for money. 

    The amount you earn from your parking space depends on the area.

    Areas close to sports venues, theatres and train stations will be in demand, therefore you’ll be able to charge more. 

    Pet sitting 

    make an extra £200 a week on the side

    Are you an animal lover? Well, pet sitting could be the best way for you to make £200 on the side.

    Websites such as and allow you to pet-sit other people’s furry friends.

    This way to make extra money on the side would be perfect for people who work from home or have a flexible work schedule.

    According to if you offer boarding you can earn 2x as much as people you don’t. 

    Offer a cleaning service 

    If you’re not afraid of rolling up your sleeves and giving some elbow grease, then offering a cleaning service would make you £200 on the side. 

    My thoughts would be to offer cleaning services to offices and other such businesses. 

    Staff leave after 5 pm, so you could swoop in and clean after this time. It would be convenient for you also as you can clean after work commitments.


    Do you have a skill that you could teach someone?

    Whether you have a traditional academic background or have skills in another area, you can tutor someone. 

    Websites such as and allow you to sign up and start tutoring academic subjects.

    Or why not create your website and offer classes that way? Then you can keep all of the profits you make. 

    To drum up interest, get some leaflets made with your website and details, then place them near schools. 

    How To Make 200 A Week On The Side Online

    Start a YouTube channel 

    Lady recording herself

    Do you have a topic you could talk about non-stop?

    YouTube may be the perfect way for you to make an extra £200 on the side online.

    YouTubers make money through advertising, sponsored videos and affiliate marketing to name just a few.

    To start making money through advertising you’ll need to reach the YouTube partner program requirements of 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours of watch time.

    The fastest way to reach this is to make videos that people are searching for. 

    Tip: Type in the search bar at the top the topics you’re interested in and you’ll see a fold-down menu of other topics that people are searching for. 

    Begin making videos about these to get things started!


    How could I not mention blogging when you’re reading mine now?

    Firstly I want to say that you will not make money straight away with blogging. This way of making £200 a week on the side online requires consistent writing and publishing blog posts.

    The way bloggers make money is through monetising the traffic (people) they get coming to their blog. 

    The 4 main ways bloggers make money are through the following:

    • Advertising 
    • Digital products 
    • Affiliate marketing
    • Sponsored posts

    If you’re able to write good quality blog posts about topics that people are searching for, then you’ll get traffic… and traffic leads to money!

    Sell digital products 

    Ebooks, courses and stock photos are all digital products that you can start making money from today!

    The best thing about digital products is that you only need to make them once and you can sell them as many times as you want.

    Admittedly selling digital products is a lot easier with an audience who knows, likes and trusts you. Nevertheless, you can use paid advertising to promote your products and sell them that way. 

    If you’re interested in selling digital products then check out this detailed post I wrote about the 16 best digital products.

    Become an influencer

    The word “Influencer” doesn’t get the best rap… but hear me out.

    We all have some sort of influence on the people we know, so why not make some money from it?

    Influencers make money by the following:

    • Selling digital products 
    • Sponsored posts 
    • Memberships 
    • Affiliate marketing 

    If you’re able to build an audience online through social media then you could easily make an extra £200 on the side online! 

    This method is also a slow burner to begin with as you need to gain trust and likeability. You can do this by posting helpful content consistently.

    When you’ve gained an audience of raving fans all you’d need to do is sell a digital product priced at £20 to 10 people and tada! There’s your £200 a week on the side.


    How To Make £200 Fast Uk

    If you need to make £200 fast then I would suggest selling some items around your home that you don’t need anymore.

    The top items that will pay the most are smartphones, TVs, tablets, power tools, clothing, trainers, kitchen appliances, and exercise equipment. 

    Clean the items if needed and make sure they look the best they can in the photos.

    Also, write a detailed description so that any interested buyer won’t need to ask any questions. 

    How To Make 200 A Week On The Side From Home

    The top ways to make 200 a week from home would be as follows 

    • Influencing 
    • Blogging 
    • Online Tutoring 
    • YouTube 
    • Pet Boarding 

    If you’re a stay-at-home parent or need to earn some extra money from home then you should consider these.

    Please bear in mind that with YouTube, blogging and Influencing you will not make money immediately.

    Online tutoring and pet boarding would be better suited for those who want to make £200 a week on the side from home. 

    Is it possible to make £200 on the side?

    Yes, it is possible to make £200 on the side.

    With some research, planning and consistent effort you can make £200 a week every week. 

    Although it might seem a lot for some and not a lot for others, being able to make £200 a week can open the door to making even more money. 

    How Do I Make Money On The Side ASAP?

    To make money on the side ASAP I would do as I’ve mentioned above and sell unwanted products from your home. 

    More often than not we’ve got at least £200 stuffed away in items that we no longer use or received as a gift.

    Another possible option would be to offer friends to family your services in exchange for money. 

    This might be hard to do and more often than not your family might just offer you the money. 


    I hope this list of realistic ideas has given you enough information to make £200 a week on the side.

    Remember, some of these will take longer to make money than others. I believe there is something for everyone though. 

    I wish you luck and I’m sure you’ll be successful. 

    Feel free to leave a comment if you have any questions and I will get back to you.

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