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The Top 14 Books About Making Money You MUST read in 2024

books about making money

Whether you’re on the journey to financial freedom or you simply want to make extra money to ease the financial pressure that life throws at you, reading books about making money can certainly help you boost your income. Reading books can be a highly effective way of gaining the knowledge you need to master your […]

15 Best Cash Flow Assets To Generate Passive Income (2024)

How to make £2000 a week

Having a cash flow asset that earns money consistently can help you towards financial freedom. It can also help you beat inflation and build wealth over the long term.   I’m writing this blog post with a personal experience of investing in a few of these myself.  What Is Cash Flow? In its simplest terms, cash […]

7 Simple Steps To Overcome The Fear Of Investing 

overcome the fear of investing

So you want to start investing but all you can think about is “What if I lose all my money?”.  We all work hard for our money and the thought of losing it in an instant can be painful.  Rest assured, as I’m going to give you 7 simple steps to help you overcome your […]